2021 AIS3 topic
This tools can scan your network policy of pod config .
usage: k8spod.py [-h] [-i REQFILE] [-c TEMPNUM] [-l] [-o OUTFILE] [-f DEPLOY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i REQFILE Pod Network Policy Request file
-c TEMPNUM Choose The Template Num to compare yaml file
-l, --list Lists Network Policies
-o OUTFILE Export YAML Template File
-f DEPLOY Depoly YAML to k8s network policy.
python k8spod.py -i test.yaml # compare defult template
pythno k8spod.py -i test.yaml -c 1 # comapre test.yaml with your choose template of network policy
python k8spod.py -c 1 -o output.yaml # choose template of network policy then output dest yaml
python k8spod.py -f test.yaml # apply test.yaml to k8s pod network policy